
Here are some links of a few of my favorite websites.    Andrew Koss

LEMON 64:  Great website pertaining to all the great Commodore 64 games over the years.  Game reviews, forums, alphabetically listed games… and a whole lot more.

LEMON AMIGA:  Great website pertaining to all the great Commodore Amiga games over the years.  Game reviews, forums, alphabetically listed games… and a whole lot more.  Yeah, very similar to Lemon 64, but for the Commodore Amiga.

THE CRPG ADDICT:  Chester is the man, and he has an entire website that focuses on playing and reviewing retro CRPGs (computer roll playing games).  If you are like me and enjoy CRPGs then you need to check out this site.

PROTOVISION:  These righteously gnarly people develop, produce, and publish NEW games for the Commodore 64.  They have a very nice library titles ready to purchase.

PSYTRONIK:  Yet another modern day company where you can go buy NEW games made for the Commodore 64, Commodore Vic-20, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Plus 4, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and more.  Check them out NOW!!

DOUBLE SIDED GAMES:  Another fantastic company where you can buy NEW Commodore games.  New Amiga games!!!  New Commodore 64 Games!!! New Commodore Vic-20 Games!!!  Go take a look!

OPENRETRO GAME DATABASE:  An excellent resource for Amiga games and works in conjunction with FS-UAE Launcher.  If you are using FS-UAE, you likely are well aware of the OpenRetro Game Database.  I use it often to find good quality scans and PDFs of game manuals I lost over the years.

ASGARD GAMEWERKS:  On the side I have a small indie tabletop game developer and publisher ‘business’.  Check out my table top games!

CONTACT UPSTAIRS ROOM SOFTWARE:  If you want to send an email, all one word: URS @ URS RETRO . COM